A Dream Realized...Against All Odds!
For the past 4 years, the road to a safe, street-worthy Batmobile has been fraught with unexpected obstacles. We have faced setbacks from inadequate and unscrupulous mechanics, the complexities of cross-country shipping, and even the devastating force of a tornado! Yet, through unwavering determination and devotion to our dream to serve our community, we persevered. Every challenge only served to further fuel our diligence to overcome adversity and make the dream a reality.
And now, thanks to the meticulous engineering of Ruben Soto and his incredible team at Mobile Audio & Electronics in Salinas, CA – the Batmobile is finally ready to hit the streets! We celebrated the triumphant culmination of our long and arduous journey during the Carmel Parade on Halloween Day!
A Dream Realized...
Against All Odds!
For the past 4 years, the road to a safe, street-worthy Batmobile has been fraught with unexpected obstacles. We have faced setbacks from inadequate and unscrupulous mechanics, the complexities of cross-country shipping, and even the devastating force of a tornado! Yet, through unwavering determination and devotion to our dream to serve our community, we persevered. Every challenge only served to further fuel our diligence to overcome adversity and make the dream a reality.
And now, thanks to the meticulous engineering of Ruben Soto and his incredible team at Mobile Audio & Electronics in Salinas, CA – the Batmobile is finally ready to hit the streets! We celebrated the triumphant culmination of our long and arduous journey during the Carmel Parade on Halloween Day!